Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Three (3) times to bite our lips

We all have opinions, but Christians are commanded to have speech that is "full of grace" (Colossians 4:6).

So here's 3 times to bite our lips:

1. When our preferences become dogmatic.
We all have preferences, but God hasn't endorsed one church, Bible study method, translation of the Bible, political party, type of education, or style of music. And most political subjects are too complex to boil down to "God's view." So let's be considerate to those with whom we disagree (Philippians 2:3).

2. When our timing is bad. 
Unsaved people need salvation before they can understand God’s principles. Are we giving people the right message at the right time and right place? Matthew 7:6 may sound a bit harsh, but it's an important principle that we not share the deep things of God until a person is open and ready.

3. When we don't have our facts straight.
It's easy (but very ungracious) to pass along rumors without checking them out even if we hear them from someone we respect. Honest people can still spread rumors if they don't verify them (Proverbs 18:17; 1 Peter 2:1).

Before we claim to know God's view of healthcare reform or spread the latest rumor about a Christian leader, let's get the facts, check our hearts, and bite our lips. We expect grace from others, so let's give it ourselves.

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